Chown, R., Sidhu, A., Peeters, E., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Cami, J., Berné, O., Habart, E., Alarcón, F., Canin, A., Schroetter, I., Trahin, B., Van De Putte, D., Abergel, A., Bergin, E. A., Bernard-Salas, J., Boersma, C., Bron, E., Cuadrado, S., Dartois, E. ... Zhen, J. (2024).
PDRs4All: IV. An embarrassment of riches: Aromatic infrared bands in the Orion Bar.
Astronomy and Astrophysics,
685, Artikel A75.
De Putte, D. V., Meshaka, R., Trahin, B., Habart, E., Peeters, E., Berné, O., Alarcón, F., Canin, A., Chown, R., Schroetter, I., Sidhu, A., Boersma, C., Bron, E., Dartois, E., Goicoechea, J. R., Gordon, K. D., Onaka, T., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Verstraete, L. ... Zhen, J. (2024).
PDRs4All VIII. Mid-infrared emission line inventory of the Orion Bar.
Astronomy and Astrophysics,
687, Artikel A86.
Habart, E., Peeters, E., Berné, O., Trahin, B., Canin, A., Chown, R., Sidhu, A., De Putte, D. V., Alarcón, F., Schroetter, I., Dartois, E., Vicente, S., Abergel, A., Bergin, E. A., Bernard-Salas, J., Boersma, C., Bron, E., Cami, J., Cuadrado, S. ... Zhen, J. (2024).
PDRs4All II. JWST’s NIR and MIR imaging view of the Orion Nebula.
Astronomy and Astrophysics,
685, Artikel A73.
Liu, L., Ji, Y.
, Bianchi, M., Hus, S. M.
, Li, Z., Balog, R., Miwa, J. A., Hofmann, P., Li, A. P., Zemlyanov, D. Y., Li, Y.
& Chen, Y. P. (2024).
A metastable pentagonal 2D material synthesized by symmetry-driven epitaxy.
Nature Materials,
23(10), 1339-1346.
Peeters, E., Habart, E., Berné, O., Sidhu, A., Chown, R., Van De Putte, D., Trahin, B., Schroetter, I., Canin, A., Alarcón, F., Schefter, B., Khan, B., Pasquini, S., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Wolfire, M. G., Dartois, E., Goicoechea, J. R., Maragkoudakis, A., Onaka, T. ... Zhen, J. (2024).
PDRs4All: III. JWST's NIR spectroscopic view of the Orion Bar.
Astronomy and Astrophysics,
685, Artikel A74.
Simonsen, F. D. S.
, Jaganathan, R., Palotás, J.
, Tang, Z., Hammer, B., Oomens, J.
& Hornekær, L. (2024).
Molecular Hydrogen Formation via Vibrational Excitation of Partially Superhydrogenated Pyrenes.
Astrophysical Journal,
972(1), Artikel 42.
Zhang, J., Traspas Muiña, A., Mifsud, D. V., Kaňuchová, Z., Cielinska, K., Herczku, P., Rahul, K. K., Kovács, S. T. S., Rácz, R., Santos, J. C.
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A systematic IR and VUV spectroscopic investigation of ion, electron, and thermally processed ethanolamine ice.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
533(1), 826-840.
Kyrkjebø, S., Cassidy, A., Lambrick, S., Jardine, A., Holst, B.
& Hornekær, L. (2023).
3He spin-echo scattering indicates hindered diffusion of isolated water molecules on graphene-covered Ir(111).
Frontiers in Chemistry,
11, Artikel 1229546.
Leccese, M.
, Jaganathan, R., Slumstrup, L., Thrower, J. D., Hornekær, L. & Martinazzo, R. (2023).
Bending the rules of PAH hydrogenation: the case of corannulene.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
519(4), 5567-5578.
Berné, O., Habart, É., Peeters, E., Abergel, A., Bergin, E. A., Bernard-Salas, J., Bron, E., Cami, J., Dartois, E., Fuente, A., Goicoechea, J. R., Gordon, K. D., Okada, Y., Onaka, T., Robberto, M., Röllig, M., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Vicente, S., Wolfire, M. G. ... Zhen, J. (2022).
PDRs4All: A JWST Early Release Science Program on Radiative Feedback from Massive Stars.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
134(1035), Artikel 054301.
Brodszkij, E., Westensee, I. N., Holleufer, S. F., Ade, C., Andres, P. D. D., Pedersen, J. S. & Städler, B. (2022).
Membrane composition of polymer-lipid hybrid vesicles.
Applied Materials Today,
29, Artikel 101549.
Kastorp, C. F. P., Duncan, D. A., Jorgensen, A. L.
, Scheffler, M., Thrower, J. D., Lee, T.-L.
, Hornekaer, L. & Balog, R. (2022).
Selective hydrogenation of graphene on Ir(111): an X-ray standing wave study.
Faraday Discussions,
236, 178-190.
Tang, Z., Simonsen, F. D. S., Jaganathan, R., Palotas, J., Oomens, J.
, Hornekaer, L. & Hammer, B. (2022).
Top-down formation of ethylene from fragmentation of superhydrogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
663, Artikel A150.
Cassidy, A., Jørgensen, M. R. V., Glavic, A., Lauter, V.
, Plekan, O. & Field, D. (2021).
A mechanism for ageing in a deeply supercooled molecular glass.
Chemical Communications,
57(52), 6368-6371.
Cassidy, A., Jørgensen, M. R. V., Glavic, A., Lauter, V., Plekan, O.
& Field, D. (2021).
Low temperature aging in a molecular glass: The case of: cis -methyl formate.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
23(29), 15719-15726.
Kyrkjebø, S., Cassidy, A., Akhtar, N.
, Balog, R., Scheffler, M., Hornekær, L., Holst, B. & Flatabø, R. (2021).
Graphene and graphene oxide on Ir(111) are transparent to wetting but not to icing.
174, 396-403.
Mennella, V., Suhasaria, T.
, Hornekær, L., Thrower, J. D. & Mulas, G. (2021).
Lyα irradiation of superhydrogenated coronene films: Implications for h2 formation.
Astrophysical Journal Letters,
908(1), Artikel L18.
Campisi, D.
, Simonsen, F. D. S., Thrower, J. D., Jaganathan, R., Hornekær, L., Martinazzo, R. & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2020).
Superhydrogenation of pentacene: The reactivity of zigzag-edges.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
22(3), 1557-1565.
Kastorp, C. F. P., Duncan, D. A.
, Scheffler, M., Thrower, J. D., Jørgensen, A. L., Hussain, H., Lee, T. L.
, Hornekær, L. & Balog, R. (2020).
Growth and electronic properties of bi- And trilayer graphene on Ir(111).
12(38), 19776-19786.
Spadaro, M. C., Cao, L., Terry, W.
, Balog, R., Yin, F. & Palmer, R. E. (2020).
Size control of Au nanoparticles from the scalable and solvent-free matrix assembly cluster source.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research,
22(6), Artikel 139.
Balog, R., Cassidy, A., Jørgensen, J. H., Hansen, L. K., Andersen, M., Grubisic Cabo, A., Ravani, F., Bignardi, L., Lacovig, P., Lizzit, S.
& Hornekær, L. (2019).
Hydrogen interaction with graphene on Ir(1 1 1): a combined intercalation and functionalization study.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,
31(8), Artikel 085001.
Camilli, L., Yu, F.
, Cassidy, A., Hornekær, L. & Bøggild, P. (2019).
Challenges for continuous graphene as a corrosion barrier.
2D materials,
6(2), Artikel 022002.
Cassidy, A., Tsud, N., Bercha, S., Feyer, V., Prince, K. C. & Plekan, O. (2019).
Adsorption of 5-Fluorouracil on Au(111) and Cu(111) surfaces.
AIP Advances,
9(8), Artikel 5108801.
Cassidy, A., James, R. L., Dawes, A., Lasne, J.
& Field, D. (2019).
The optical absorption spectra of spontaneously electrical solids: The case of nitrous oxide.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
21(3), 1190-1197.
Halkjær, S., Iversen, J., Kyhl, L., Chevallier, J., Andreatta, F., Yu, F., Stoot, A., Camilli, L., Bøggild, P.
, Hornekær, L. & Cassidy, A. M. (2019).
Low-temperature synthesis of a graphene-based, corrosion-inhibiting coating on an industrial grade alloy.
Corrosion Science,
152, 1-9.
Jensen, P. A., Leccese, M.
, Simonsen, F. D. S., Skov, A. W., Bonfanti, M.
, Thrower, J. D., Martinazzo, R.
& Hornekær, L. (2019).
Identification of stable configurations in the superhydrogenation sequence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
486(4), 5492-5498.
Jorgensen, A. L., Duncan, D. A.
, Kastorp, C. F. P., Kyhl, L., Tang, Z., Bruix, A.
, Andersen, M., Hammer, B., Lee, T.-L.
, Hornekaer, L. & Balog, R. (2019).
Chemically-resolved determination of hydrogenated graphene-substrate interaction.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
21(25), 13462-13466.
Pantazidis, G., Scheffler, M., Simonsen, F. D. S., Cassidy, A., Jensen, P. A., Hornekær, L. & Thrower, J. D. (2019).
Deuteration of C60 on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surface.
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union,
15(S356), 458-459.
Cassidy, A., Pedersen, S., Bluhm, H., Calisti, V., Angot, T., Salomon, E., Bisson, R.
& Hornekaer, L. (2018).
Patterned formation of enolate functional groups on the graphene basal plane.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
20(45), 28370-28374.
Hansen, L. K., Balog, R., Cassidy, A., Jørgensen, J. H., Grubisic Cabo, A., Trotochaud, L., Bluhm, H.
& Hornekær, L. (2018).
Enhancing Graphene Protective Coatings by Hydrogen-Induced Chemical Bond Formation.
ACS Applied Nano Materials,
1(9), 4509–4515.
Kyhl, L., Bisson, R.
, Balog, R., Groves, M. N., Kolsbjerg, E. L., Cassidy, A. M., Jørgensen, J. H., Halkjær, S., Miwa, J. A., Čabo, A. G., Angot, T.
, Hofmann, P., Arman, M. A., Urpelainen, S., Lacovig, P., Bignardi, L., Bluhm, H., Knudsen, J.
, Hammer, B. & Hornekaer, L. (2018).
Exciting H2 Molecules for Graphene Functionalization.
ACS Nano,
12(1), 513-520.
Roman, M., Dunn, A., Taj, S., Keolopile, Z. G., Rosu-Finsen, A., Gutowski, M., McCoustra, M. R. S.
, Cassidy, A. M. & Field, D. (2018).
Assigning a structural motif using spontaneous molecular dipole orientation in thin films.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
10(46), 29038-29044.
Roman, M., Taj, S., Gutowski, M., McCoustra, M. R. S., Dunn, A. C., Keolopile, Z. G., Rosu-Finsen, A.
, Cassidy, A. M. & Field, D. (2018).
Non-linear and non-local behaviour in spontaneously electrical solids.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
20(7), 5112-5116.
Suhasaria, T.
, Thrower, J. D., Frigge, R., Roling, S., Bertin, M., Michaut, X., Fillion, J. .-H. & Zacharias, H. (2018).
XUV photodesorption of carbon cluster ions and ionic photofragments from a mixed methane-water ice.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
20(11), 7457-7469.
Abdulgalil, A. G. M., Rosu-Finsen, A., Marchione, D.
, Thrower, J. D., Collings, M. P. & McCoustra, M. R. S. (2017).
Electron-Promoted Desorption from Water Ice Surfaces: Neutral Gas Phase Products.
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry,
1(4), 209-215.
Camilli, L.
, Jorgensen, J. H., Tersoff, J., Stoot, A. C.
, Balog, R., Cassidy, A., Sadowski, J. T., Boggild, P.
& Hornekaer, L. (2017).
Erratum: Self-assembly of ordered graphene nanodot arrays (vol 8, 47, 2017).
Nature Communications,
8, Artikel 1155.
Camilli, L.
, Jorgensen, J. H., Tersoff, J., Stoot, A. C.
, Balog, R., Cassidy, A., Sadowski, J. T., Boggild, P.
& Hornekaer, L. (2017).
Self-assembly of ordered graphene nanodot arrays.
Nature Communications,
8(1), Artikel 47.
Carbonell-Sanroma, E., Brandimarte, P.
, Balog, R., Corso, M., Kawai, S., Garcia-Lekue, A., Saito, S., Yamaguchi, S., Meyer, E., Sanchez-Portal, D. & Ignacio Pascual, J. (2017).
Quantum Dots Embedded in Graphene Nanoribbons by Chemical Substitution.
Nano Letters,
17(1), 50-56.
Chen, Y. .-J., Munoz Caro, G. M., Aparicio, S., Jimenez-Escobar, A., Lasne, J., Rosu-Finsen, A., McCoustra, M. R. S.
, Cassidy, A. M. & Field, D. (2017).
Wannier-Mott Excitons in Nanoscale Molecular Ices.
Physical Review Letters,
119(15), Artikel 157703.
Plekan, O., Rosu-Finsen, A.
, Cassidy, A. M., Lasne, J., McCoustra, M. R. S.
& Field, D. (2017).
A review of recent progress in understanding the spontelectric state of matter.
The European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics,
71(6), Artikel 162.
Wakelam, V., Bron, E., Cazaux, S., Dulieu, F., Gry, C., Guillard, P., Habart, E.
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H2 formation on interstellar dust grains: The viewpoints of theory, experiments, models and observations.
Molecular Astrophysics,
9, 1-36.
Cassidy, A., Jørgensen, M. R. V., Rosu-Finsen, A., Lasne, J.
, Jørgensen, J. H., Glavic, A., Lauter, V.
, Iversen, B. B., McCoustra, M. R. S.
& Field, D. (2016).
Dipole-Oriented Molecular Solids Can Undergo a Phase Change and Still Maintain Electrical Polarization.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C: Nanomaterials, Interfaces and Hard Matter,
120(42), 24130-24136.
Hansen, L. K., Balog, R., Angot, T.
, Hornekaer, L. & Bisson, R. (2016).
Hydrogenated graphene on Ir(111): A high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy study of the vibrational spectrum.
Physical Review B,
93(11), Artikel 115403.