Jørgensen, J. H., Grubisic Cabo, A., Balog, R., Hansen, L. K., Groves, M. N., Cassidy, A. M., Bruix, A., Bianchi, M., Dendzik, M., Arman, M. A.
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Rosu-Finsen, A., Lasne, J.
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Skov, A. W., Andersen, M., Thrower, J. D., Jorgensen, B., Hammer, B. & Hornekaer, L. (2016).
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Eddleston, M. D., Hejczyk, K. E.
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Koefoed, L., Kongsfelt, M., Ulstrup, S., Cabo, A. G., Cassidy, A., Whelan, P. R.
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Kyhl, L., Nielsen, S. F., Cabo, A. G., Cassidy, A., Miwa, J. A. & Hornekær, L. (2015).
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Lasne, J., Rosu-Finsen, A.
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Spontaneously electrical solids in a new light.
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Plekan, O., Feyer, V.
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Functionalisation and immobilisation of an Au(110) surface via uracil and 2-thiouracil anchored layer.
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Cassidy, A., Plekan, O., Balog, R., Dunger, J., Field, D. & Jones, N. C. (2014).
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Cassidy, A., Plekan, O., Dunger, J., Balog, R., Jones, N. C., Lasne, J., Rosu-Finsen, A., McCoustra, M. R. S.
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Investigations into the nature of spontelectrics: nitrous oxide diluted in xenon.
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Thrower, J. D., Friis, E. E., Skov, A. L., Jørgensen, B. & Hornekær, L. (2014).
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Ulstrup, S., Andersen, M., Bianchi, M., Barreto, L., Hammer, B., Hornekær, L. & Hofmann, P. (2014).
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Abdulgalil, A. G. M., Marchione, D.
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Balog, R., Andersen, M., Jørgensen, B., Sljivancanin, Z.
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Cassidy, A., Plekan, O., Balog, R., Jones, N. C. & Field, D. (2013).
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Christian Johannsen, J., Ulstrup, S., Bianchi, M., Hatch, R., Guan, D., Mazzola, F.
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Field, D., Plekan, O., Cassidy, A., Balog, R., Jones, N. C. & Dunger, J. (2013).
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Mazzola, F., Wells, J., Yakimova, R.
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Thrower, J. D., Friis, E. E., Skov, A. L., Nilsson, L., Andersen, M., Ferrighi, L., Jørgensen, B., Baouche, S., Balog, R., Hammer, B. & Hornekær, L. (2013).
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Ulstrup, S., Nilsson, L., Miwa, J. A., Balog, R., Bianchi, M., Hornekær, L. & Hofmann, P. (2013).
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Nilsson, L., Andersen, M., Balog, R., Lægsgaard, E., Hofmann, P., Besenbacher, F., Hammer, B., Stensgaard, I. & Hornekær, L. (2012).
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Nilsson, L., Sljivancanin, Z., Balog, R., Xu, W., Linderoth, T. R., Lægsgaard, E., Stensgaard, I., Hammer, B., Besenbacher, F. & Hornekær, L. (2012).
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Plekan, O., Cassidy, A., Balog, R., Jones, N. C. & Field, D. (2012).
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Hatch, R. C., Bianchi, M., Guan, D., Shining, B.
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Plekan, O., Cassidy, A., Balog, R., Jones, N. C. & Field, D. (2011).
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Balog, R., Jørgensen, B., Nilsson, L., Andersen, M., Rienks, E., Bianchi, M., Fanetti, M.
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Bianchi, M., Rienks, E., Lizzit, S., Baraldi, A.
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Electron-phonon coupling in potassium-doped graphene: Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy.
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Controlling Hydrogenation of Graphene on Transition Metals.
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