Aarhus Universitets segl


Theoretical and Computational Physics Seminar

September 24

Multi-configuration atomic structure theory and close-coupling basis sets: from theory to implementation (and beyond)
Thomas Carette, Université Libre de Bruxelles
15:15 in 1520-732

In this seminar, I will introduce a new code aimed at tackling systematically atomic structure effects in single- or multi-photon atomic ionization [PRA 87 (2013) 023420]. In the first part, the non-relativistic multi-configuration atomic structure theory will be introduced, covering the basics of matrix element computation. The so-pictured framework will then be extended to close-coupling expansions in one-electron B-spline basis. In the second part of the seminar, I will explain the main purposes of the developed code and continue with some practical considerations about the implementation. To conclude, I will present what are the possible extensions to the package.

Coffe/tea and cake will be served from 15:05