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Professor i astrofysik Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard fra Aarhus Universitet bliver den første dansker, som modtager den norske videnskabspris,…
AU researchers, Andrew Maxwell and Lars Bojer Madsen, with Maciej Lewenstein from ICFO, merge strong-field physics with quantum information.
Adam Chatterley joined CCQ in September as a laser, electro-optics, and data acquisition technician.
Our new Electronics Technician Apprentice, Emil Rosengaard Carlsson, starts on 1st August at IFA. Emil is 25 years, lives in Århus and has previoiusly…
Abdul joined Prof. Marcel Mudrich’s “Cluster-Dynamics-Group” as a Postdoctoral Researcher, funded by the Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship for two…
The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded Jan Joachim Arlt a grant of DKK 14 million to investigate fundamental aspects of the next generation of…
Dr. Sergio Ioppolo will be employed 1st August as an Associate Professor within the Department of Physics and Astronomy
On 1st July, Lina Liu starts as Postdoc in Yong Chens group "Quantum Materials and Devices".
On 1st July, Hua-Chen Zhang starts as postdoc in Anne Nielsen´s group.
In classical electronics, the Wheatstone bridge is a device where the balancing of currents through a two-way junction can be used for precise…
NERD - New Exploratory Research and Discovery
Aurelien Dantan: DKK 13.969.517
Jan Arlt: DKK 13.737.747
Monthly contribution from Laura Slumstrup, Center for Interstellar Catalysis
Trolle Linderoth has been appointed as the new director of studies from 1 June 2022
Today the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters; det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi has published the names of the researchers that are to receive the…
Monthly contribution from Mette Sand Kalaee, laboratory technician AMS group
Monthly contribution from Steen Hannestad, Professor
Professor Bo Barker Jørgensen, Dept. of Biology and Professor Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, Stellar Astrophysics Centre, IFA are present in…
Recent paper in Nature Astronomy with participation from IFA researchers.
A collaboration between the groups of Klaus Mølmer and Thomas Pohl in the Center for Complex Quantum Systems (CCQ) at IFA shows how to realize…
New Postdoc has started in Simon Wall´s group in March 2022: Daniel Perez Salinas
Monthly contribution from Anders Petersen, Precision engineer
As of 1 April 2022, Søren Ulstrup is employed as a associate professor in experimental physics at Department of Physics and Astronomy.
In a new paper in Physical Review Letters selected as Editors' suggestion, Georg Bruun has together with an experimental group at the University of…
During May 2022, CSCAA will start the procurement of new nodes in order to expand the Linux-cluster Grendel.
Monthly contribution from Søren Pape Møller, Center Director
PhD student Simon Vendelbo Bylling Jensen from IFA, receives an Elite Research Travel Grant of DKK 200.000, which he will use for research in Hamburg.
New era of research into light-matter interactions, in which intense, ultra-short laser pulses with infrared and optical wavelengths play a central…
Mia Sloth Lundkvist, Department of Physics and Astronomy, receives approx. DKK 6 million for her project "Insights on the prevalence of Earth-like…
On 1st November 2021 Richard Schmidt joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy as associate professor in theoretical physics.
Registration form on the desk in the information area
Last call for signing is Friday, 10. December 2021
The volcanic eruption on La Palma continues and our man on-site, Emil Knudstrup reports slight problems.
"Are binaries orbiting each other perpendicularly to their axis of rotaton?" was the subject of the project.
We are trying an entirely new approach to funding in this context: Crowdfunding. And YOU can help!
From IFA: Assistant Professor, Mia Sloth Lundkvist, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2.879.966 kr.
Florian Brix is our new postdoctoral fellow in the group of Prof. Bjørk Hammer
The Institute congratulates Christina Kjær with this year’s KIF prize! Interview with the prize winner:
New paper in Physical Review Letters co-authored by Georg M. Bruun and Aleksi Julku
Welcome to Hadi Yarloo who started in Anne E. B. Nielsen´s group “Quantum many-body systems”.
My field of research and interest lies at the interface…
Under the heading "Sense Mars", Steno Museum had a theme about Mars during the autumn holiday. Around 4000 children and their families visited the…
Rosana M. Turtos has been awarded with a grant amount of 7MDKK from the Novo Nordisk Foundation
VILLUM Synergy grant of DKK 2.999.609,00, has been given to Panagiotis Karras, Davide Mottin and Philip Hofmann.
Det Fjernstyrede UndervisningsTeleskop (FUT) is a free offer from Aarhus University to the Danish educational community. Pupils will be able to…
Stefano Cavaletto joins the strong-field and attosecond physics group lead by Prof. Lars Bojer Madsen in September 2021.
Andrew Maxwell joins the strong-field and attosecond physics group lead by Prof. Lars Bojer Madsen in September 2021.
Mogens Dalgaard starts in a postdoc position on August 15th in Klaus Mølmer’s group
Raffaele Cheula joins the research group of Mie Andersen as a postdoctoral fellow in September 2021
Aarhus University appoints five new honorary doctors in 2021 including Professor Conny Aerts.
A solid-state phase transition in vanadium dioxide is imaged with X-ray laser
[Translate to English:] Recent articles in Nature Communications co-authored by prof. Thomas Pohl at CCQ, demonstrates how excited quantum states can…
From 1st September 2021 Mie will be employed as associate professor in theoretical materials physics
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