Aarhus Universitets segl

Science outreach. Children. LEGO

Does that trigger you? We need more referees for the yearly children's science competition named First LEGO League. You donate: one Tuesday evening and one full Saturday You get: lots of fun, interaction with totally dedicated children, networking with other referees from education, engineering, companies, science.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


tirsdag 8. november 2016, kl. 11:45 - lørdag 12. november 2016, kl. 11:46


Aarhus, Denmark

Intens spænding, liv og glade dage ved FLL

Referee info meeting: Tuesday 8 Nov 19-21

Competition: Saturday 12 Nov 9-16

Venue: Navitas, Aarhus Harbour

40 teams of school children around Aarhus are working very hard right now to be ready for the great day; Saturday 12 November. The First LEGO League theme this year is "Animal Allies". The challenge is to build a LEGO robot that can taverse a preset table of tasks gaining points, produce an interesting and scientifically based presentation covering the theme of the year as posters, ppt-presentations, singing and dancing or whatever and generally have fun and learn.

Your task will be to help giving points to the teams for quality of presentations, programming, construction, team spirit ect. accoding to your abilities and interests. This is not challenging, and we will prime you thoroughly for the task at the intro-meeting.

Non-Danish speakers, emeriti, professors, PhDs, 1st year students - all are welcome

Your efforts are unpaid, but snacks, breakfast and lunch are available during the day

The winners in Aarhus will enter the Scandinavian competition with the winners from 49 other sites, and the Scandinavian winners participate in the world finales.

See more:



example www.youtube.com/watch


Contact: for more information Ole J. Knudsen ojk@phys.au.dk  1520-532

for signing up:  Jørgen Korsgaard joko@aarhus.dk