Aarhus Universitets segl

Ny lektor: Marcel Mudrich

Marcel Mudrich er pr. 1. januar 2017 ansat som lektor i eksperimentel AMO fysik

Marcel Mudrich er pr. 1. januar 2017 ansat som lektor i eksperimentel AMO fysik. Vi byder Marcel velkommen på insituttet.


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Marcel Mudrich received his PhD in experimental physics in 2003 from the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg, under supervision of Professor Matthias Wiedemüller. Afterwards he has, been a postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (CNRS) in Orsay, France, and at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. Since 2005 he has been employed at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where he was appointed Associate Professor in 2014.  

Marcel has gained extensive experience in the spectroscopy and dynamics of doped helium droplets and clusters and joins us as an associate professor in experimental AMO physics. His research will focus on modern aspects of light-matter interaction, aiming at probing or controlling atoms, molecules and nanostructures, preferably at the quantum level. The overall goal is to gain new insight into fundamental properties, as well as generating new methods and technical applications through light-matter interactions. Specifically Marcel will extend his previous work and investigate the interactions of clusters and nanodroplets with UV synchrotron radiation from ASTRID2.