Aarhus University Seal

IFA professor becomes new Fellow of the American Physical Society

Congratulations to professor Lars Bojer Madsen, newly elected Fellow of APS. Lars is IFA professor in theoretical atomic, molecular and optical physics.

Lars Bojer Madsen ew APS Fellow

His research concerns the effects of shooting very energetic laser beams at atoms, molecules or solids. This reveals the movements of atomic nuclei and electrons over small scales of length and time. The studied time scales are in the attosecond range; as short a time compared to one second as one second is to the age of the Universe! This teaches us new things from the quantum world that can be used amongst other things for producing new light sources with extremely high frequency (XUV), high intensity and short duration. These light sources are at present relevant for basic science, but in the long run may also be of use in society. The prestigeous appointment by the international community of researchers is given "For outstanding contributions to the theory of attosecond science and strong field physics, including the development of numerical and analytical methods for describing strong field ionization processes, in particular for polar molecules."

 APS web pages

 Lars Bojer Madsen’s web page at AU