Aarhus University Seal

"Best Bachelor 2016" won by IFA-student Andreas Bock Michelsen

Andreas Bock Michelsen won the finals in the competition for "Best Bachelor 2016" sponsored by the Copenhagen company Accenture. Andreas' entry was his bachelors project titled "Taming the spin chain: A new method for constructing Spin Chains from Spectral Data" from Summer 2016. He was invited to the competition as the only AU representative for the finals in the category "Best Technical Bachelor".

[Translate to English:] Andreas modtager den store pris, flankeret af to medarbejdere fra Accenture

Students from AAU, ITU, DTU and KU were also represented, but Andreas won and recieved a prize of Dkr. 10 000.

The project concerns the development of a method to predict the potentials of spin chains, based on the quantum mechanical spectrum for the chain. Nikolaj Zinner and Niels Jakob Søe Loft have been tutoring the project and it is based on the program CONAN developed by the IFA-group led by Nikolaj.